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Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Trends in 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing at a speed that has never been seen before. This is creating new, exciting possibilities and challenges in many fields.  

In this article, we'll discuss about the top five AI trends that are changing the future of technology and how AI development services can help businesses and individuals in 2024 and beyond.  

Artificial Intelligence Trends - Generative AI

Generative AI has taken the world by storm because it can create content that looks and sounds like human.  

Advanced machine learning models fuel this technology. It helps in a lot of creative tasks some of which includes writing, creating pictures, videos and music from just prompts.  

Businesses will be affected in huge ways, especially in marketing, media, and design. 

generative ai

Generative AI can help businesses 

  • Make a lot of unique content,  
  • Make the customer experience more personal,  
  • Encourage creativity, 
  • Cut down on the time and money. 

How Did The New York Times Enhance Journalism and Reader Engagement with Generative AI and Content Moderation? 

The New York Times was one of the first publishers to use AI in their work, especially Generative AI to help with reporting and creating content.  

Gen AI has helped The Times in summarizing stories, looking at data for research reports, and making personalized content suggestions for readers.  

This merging has made journalism more efficient and expanded the types of material the newspaper publishes. 

They are also trying something new to change the way reader comments are moderated to encourage positive conversations and cut down on harassment and abuse.  

The New York Times worked with Jigsaw, a division of Alphabet, the parent company of Google, to create the Perspective API tool. This was done because they had to manually moderate over 11,000 reader comments every day. This cutting-edge AI system changes how comments from readers are filtered and shown. 

We have more information and more articles than any other time in history, and yet the toxicity of the conversations that follow those articles are driving people away from the conversation,

 -Jared Cohen, President of Jigsaw, formerly known as Google Ideas 

"Our integration with the Google Nest smart thermostats through Aidoo Pro represents an unprecedented leap forward for our industry."

 - Antonio Mediato, founder and CEO of Airzone.

Artificial Intelligence Trends - Ethical AI

Ethical AI is one of the artificial intelligence trends essential because AI systems are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives.  

It is all about making sure that AI systems are fair, clear, and answerable to people. 

This means dealing with problems like bias in AI systems, data protection, and the right way to use AI technologies.  

Companies that use Ethical AI can easily build trust with their partners and customers. Also, they can avoid any potential legal and social risks that come with using AI in an immoral way.  

Organizations are responsible for ensuring that AI projects they develop, deploy or use do not have negative ethical consequences,                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - Gartner.  

BM’s Implementation of Ethical AI Principles

  • Fairness and Bias Reduction:  
    The company started using tools like AI Fairness 360, an open-source set of tools meant to help find and fix bias in machine learning models. This set of tools is also available to other groups that want to support fairness in AI. 

  • Transparency and Explainability:  
    They made AI Explainability 360, additional open-source tools, to help people understand how AI models decide what to do. This project helped both writers and users understand how AI works, which built trust in AI apps.
  • Data Privacy and Security:  
    Due to the sensitive nature of data used in AI, IBM has enforced strict data privacy and security measures, thereby projecting, the brand’s credibility to its stakeholders and customers.  

  • Ethical Governance and Guidelines:  
    The company set up an AI Ethics Board to keep an eye on its AI projects and to make sure they follow moral guidelines and public expectations.  

Results and Impact:

  • Building Trust with Customers and Stakeholders:  
    IBM's dedication to Ethical AI has made it look like a more responsible and reliable tech company. Customers and business partners are more likely to work with IBM if they know that its AI solutions are made with ethics in mind. 
  • Influencing Industry Standards: IBM's work in Ethical AI has become a standard in the tech world. Other companies have been inspired by the company's actions to follow similar moral standards, which has helped the general progress of responsible AI. 
  • Avoiding Legal and Reputational Risks: By handling possible ethics issues in AI before they happen, IBM has reduced the chance of legal problems and damage to its image that could come from using AI in an illegal way.
ethical ai

"By analyzing the data from our connected lights, devices and systems, our goal is to create additional value for our customers through data-enabled services that unlock new capabilities and experiences."

- Harsh Chitale, leader of Philips Lighting’s Professional Business.

Augmented Working - Artificial Intelligence Trends

When people and AI work together, AI improves human skills instead of taking them away. This is called augmented working.  

This trend is changing the workplace by eliminating boring chores, giving us more useful data, and helping us make better decisions.  

Using AI lets workers focus on more important tasks, which makes them more productive and happier at work.  

ompanies that use this method can expect their employees  

  • To be more involved,  
  • Work more efficiently, 
  • Come up with new ideas.  

A compelling example of Augmented Working is seen at Siemens, a global industrial manufacturing giant.  

Siemens has effectively implemented AI to augment its workforce, particularly in its gas turbine production facility.  

Here, AI algorithms analyze data from sensors and systems to predict maintenance needs, significantly reducing downtime and improving efficiency. 

 This proactive approach allows Siemens' employees to focus on strategic tasks and innovation, rather than routine maintenance.  

The use of AI for predictive analysis not only enhances the capabilities of the workforce but also leads to more efficient operations and a safer working environment.  

Siemens' experience demonstrates how AI can be a powerful tool in augmenting human work, boosting productivity, and fostering a more engaged and innovative workforce.

Augmented working

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AI Legislation - Artificial Intelligence Trends

As AI technologies improve, so does the need for AI laws.  

In 2024, more countries around the world will be passing laws and rules to control the growth and use of AI. This trend is very important for making sure that AI is used in a responsible and moral way.  

Companies need to know about these rules and follow them to stay out of trouble with the law and make sure their AI apps are helpful and responsible for society.  

Google is a well-known example of a company that has been able to adapt to AI legislation.  

The tech giant has been very involved in making AI laws and rules around the world. It has made big changes to its AI systems in reaction to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the AI Act.  

These changes are mostly in areas like data protection and algorithmic openness.  

The company has also pushed for a fair approach to AI regulation, stressing the need for rules that support new ideas while also safeguarding users' privacy and rights.  

Google's direct involvement with AI legislation shows how important it is for companies to not only follow the laws that are already in place, but also to get involved in the legislative process.  

This way, companies can ensure that the development and use of AI technologies are in line with legal standards and community values.

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Quantum AI - Artificial Intelligence Trends

Quantum AI blends AI and quantum computers. This combination could help solve complex problems a lot faster than usual computer methods.  

Quantum AI has the potential to make many fields more efficient.  

For example, it could speed up the finding of new drugs, improve financial models, and make supply chain management better.  

Quantum AI will open new opportunities and spur innovation in many areas as it improves.  

How Volkswagen and D-Wave, a leader in quantum computing, work together is a great example of how Quantum AI works in real life.  

Volkswagen used Quantum AI to create a traffic control system that studies and improves the routes of cars and public buses in real time.  

It was able to cut down on traffic and journey times by a large amount.  

Quantum AI can handle difficult organizational problems, as shown by its use in controlling city traffic. It also gives us a taste of how revolutionary it could be in fields like logistics, where finding the best paths and using resources wisely are very important. 

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Quantum AI

Future of AI

The future of AI is filled with great hope. The current trends in AI are not just big steps forward in technology; they are also changing the way we live. It's important for companies and people who want to stay ahead of the competition and new ideas in 2024 and beyond to follow these Artificial Intelligence Trends. 

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Collaborate with Softura – The AI Development Company

Softura is known for creating custom AI solutions that are innovative and distinctive. Our AI development services help businesses use new AI trends to change how they do business.  

With a team of over 450 engineers, Softura is dedicated to using Agile methods for flexible and responsive AI software development throughout your project. 

Here’s what makes Softura stand out: 

  • Quick delivery paired with durable quality through comprehensive QA. 
  • Cutting-edge AI solutions using microservices and container technology. 
  • Optimal balance with our onshore/offshore model. 
  • Customizable solutions designed to meet your specific needs. 
  • Efficient progress with bi-weekly sprints led by our Scrum Masters. 

Schedule a free consultation with one of our experts to get AI development plans customized for your business. 

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