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The Scrum Model in SDLC: All You Need to Know

You can never spend a day with a software development team without using the word ‘scrum model in sdlc’ at least once. It has become that important.  

Imagine trying to solve a huge puzzle without knowing how the pieces will fit. Now, what if you get to work in small, manageable sections, adjusting your strategy as you go about it based on what you learn.  

That’s exactly what scrum model in sdlc.  

Now, let’s explore in detail why scrum is so powerful, how it improves daily operations and some of the myths that have been talked about over the years.

Why the Scrum Model in SDLC?

Let’s say you’re part of a software development team building an app. In traditional development models, you might spend months planning, coding, testing, and only then release the app to the world—only to realize it’s not what the users really want. This “big-bang” approach has led to numerousfailed projects. 

Scrum was designed to solve this problem.  

Instead of waiting until the end to find out if things are working, Scrum model in sdlc condenses the development process into short bursts called sprints. Each sprint usually takes 1 to 4 weeks long. By working in sprints, the team can build, test, and show progress quickly. Also it can gather feedback along the way.  

It’s like cooking a meal and letting everyone taste it while you’re preparing each course, ensuring everyone’s happy with the end result. 

For example, when developing a feature for a ride-hailing app like Uber, Scrum allows developers to create the driver’s profile system in one sprint. Also, they test it and gather feedback from stakeholders.  

In the next sprint, they may focus on integrating the mapping feature, adjusting based on earlier feedback.  

This step-by-step progress leads to a product that evolves smoothly, avoiding unpleasant conflicts at the end.

"Our integration with the Google Nest smart thermostats through Aidoo Pro represents an unprecedented leap forward for our industry."

 - Antonio Mediato, founder and CEO of Airzone.

Elements of scrum model in sdlc

Elements of the Scrum Model in SDLC

Here are a few key elements that make scrum model work: 

  • Product Owner: Imagine the product owner as a lighthouse, guiding the ship. They represent the customer and decide what features are most important, defining the product backlog (a prioritized list of tasks or features). They make sure the team is always working on priority tasks.
  • Scrum Master: If the scrum process is a race, the scrum master is the coach. He ensures the team’s progress without hurdles. They facilitate meetings, keep the team motivated and continue uplifting progress.
  • Development Team: The real engine of scrum model in sdlc. They work together to achieve the goals of each sprint. The team is self-organized – which means they decide on what to complete and accelerate the process towards launch.
  • Sprint: Think of a sprint as a focused sprint in a marathon. During each sprint, the team commits to completing certain tasks from the product backlog. At the end of each sprint, they deliver a potentially shippable product/deliverable—something that can be tested or released.
  • Daily Standups: A quick, daily meeting where the team shares what they worked on yesterday, what they plan to do today, and any roadblocks they face. This helps keep everyone on the same page. It is similar to a huddle that happens before a sports game.
  • Sprint Review and Retrospective: At the end of each sprint, the team shows what they've completed in a Sprint Review, gathering feedback from stakeholders. They also hold a Sprint Retrospective to discuss what went well and what could improve. These reviews drive continuous improvement, a core principle of Scrum model in sdlc. 

"By analyzing the data from our connected lights, devices and systems, our goal is to create additional value for our customers through data-enabled services that unlock new capabilities and experiences."

- Harsh Chitale, leader of Philips Lighting’s Professional Business.

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How the Scrum Model Powers Daily Software Development Operations

Scrum powers daily software development operations by promoting flexibility and collaboration. Here's a story to illustrate: 

Imagine you’re building a complex e-commerce platform for a major retailer. The company wants to launch a new “one-click” checkout feature in time for the holiday season.  

Without Scrum model in sdlc, the team might spend months planning, coding, and testing the feature. In the end, they might find that it’s too slow to handle the surging traffic. 

But in a Scrum environment, the dedicated software development team breaks this feature down into smaller, bite-sized tasks.  

  • The first sprint might focus on creating the user interface for the checkout page.  
  • The second sprint tests the payment gateway integration.  
  • By the third sprint, the team is optimizing speed based on feedback from the first two sprints.  

If something goes wrong, they pivot quickly. Thus, a disastrous launch is avoided.  

Scrum model in sdlc gives teams the ability to adapt daily. They can adjust goals based on feedback, spot issues early, and ensure everyone stays aligned on priorities. 

scrum model in sdlc

"By analyzing the data from our connected lights, devices and systems, our goal is to create additional value for our customers through data-enabled services that unlock new capabilities and experiences."

- Harsh Chitale, leader of Philips Lighting’s Professional Business.

Debunking Scrum Model in SDLC Myths

Scrum often gets misunderstood, leading to myths that can scare teams away from using it. Let’s debunk a few of the most common ones: 

  • “Scrum means no planning.” 
    Actually, Scrum includes plenty of planning—it’s just spread throughout the project. It’s just that the team does not front-load all the planning before work begins. Scrum recommends continuous, iterative planning.
  • “Scrum only works for small teams or startups.” 
    This is far from true. While Scrum works well with smaller teams, it’s equally effective in large organizations. For instance, Microsoft and Google use Scrum at scale, with thousands of employees following Scrum principles.
  • “Scrum model  in sdlc is too rigid.” 
    Scrum provides structure, but it’s far from rigid. Its flexibility is one of its strengths. Teams can adjust sprint lengths, modify tasks, and adapt to new challenges as they arise.  
  • “Scrum only works for software development.” 
    While Scrum originated in custom software application development , industries like marketing, product design, and even education have successfully adopted it. Any project that benefits from continuous improvement and quick feedback loops can use Scrum. 

"By analyzing the data from our connected lights, devices and systems, our goal is to create additional value for our customers through data-enabled services that unlock new capabilities and experiences."

- Harsh Chitale, leader of Philips Lighting’s Professional Business.

Benefits of the Scrum Model

So, why do teams love Scrum? Here are some of the most compelling benefits: 

  • Faster Delivery: Because work is divided into sprints, teams deliver parts of the project faster. Features can be tested or released incrementally, reducing time-to-market.
  • Higher Quality: Continuous testing and feedback loops during each sprint help catch bugs or issues early. This leads to a more polished, high-quality product.
  • Better Collaboration: With regular standups, reviews, and retrospectives, communication is constant. Everyone stays on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and confusion.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Scrum model in SDLC allows teams to pivot quickly. They can adapt to new priorities or challenges without derailing the entire project.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Because Scrum model in SDLC involves the Product Owner (who represents the customer) throughout the process, the team builds exactly what the customer wants. It leads to higher satisfaction. 

Take, for example, the story of Spotify. The company grew rapidly, using Scrum model in SDLC to adapt to shifting market demands. By organizing development teams into small, self-organizing groups (or “squads” as they call them), Spotify was able to release new features quickly while staying aligned with customer feedback and expectations. 

Scrum model in SDLC

Bottom Line

Scrum model in SDLC is the idea of building incrementally, adapting as you go, and improving continuously. Whether you're a startup working with a small team or a large-scale organization looking to stay agile, Scrum can significantly increase your efficiency and product quality. 

If you’re considering adopting the Scrum model in SDLC or looking for experts to implement and guide your team, Softura is here to help. With extensive experience in Agile methodologies, our team of dedicated developers can help your organization implement Scrum practices tailored to your specific development needs.

"Our integration with the Google Nest smart thermostats through Aidoo Pro represents an unprecedented leap forward for our industry."

 - Antonio Mediato, founder and CEO of Airzone.

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