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Custom Application Development for Psychological Assessment Company


A psychological assessment company had multiple standalone tools to perform various assessments, guide treatment, and track progress for their juvenile patients. As they supported multiple child-serving agencies with numerous locations they were finding getting a consolidated view of their data and maintaining software versions across their agencies difficult. Along with problems arising from their tools not interfacing with one another, they also were stuck with a dated user interfaces that were not user friendly. The dated tools also made meeting reporting requirements of the various government agencies that they were regulated by a challenge.


Our experts custom designed, developed, and deployed a web based integrated assessment platform as a SaaS solution that combined the functions of their previous multiple assessment tools into the same technology platform. This allowed them to now run one instance of their application that would serve all of their agencies, which enabled their users to securely access a single view of a patient’s information across the multiple assessments/modules. Granular licensing and security features were also implemented to enable configuration options that could turn specific modules on or off for specific agencies and allowed for user specific permissions. To insure no disruption to their business Softura also transformed and migrated all of their legacy data over to the new platform. Another feature of the new application was text-to-speech with an Avatar that was implemented to provide better patient interaction within their application modules.


The client received a unified technology platform that provided all the different disparate tools and systems they needed. All their agencies can now access one version of the product and the application can be customized for their various agencies easily via a web GUI. Having one unified database and backend data export capabilities also made meeting government reporting requirements and performing statistical analysis easier and significantly more cost effective.

Leveraging over 25+ years of success, Softura is a global software development and modern technology consulting company. We design, code, and deliver complex architecture, applications and systems that are built upon leading modern technologies.
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