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Top 3 IoT business trends in Automotive Industry

An increasing number of devices are being empowered with online connectivity as part of a widespread shift towards the Internet of Things (IoT). This process brings sensors, actuators, machines, appliances, consumer products, and more onto computer networks, which allows data to be sent to and from these newly intelligent devices.

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The Evolution of Retail Caused by IoT: Use Cases & Technology

The Internet of Things has created an important influence on the retail business and could be appropriately promoted as the great power behind the 3rd commercial Revolution. With the development of the Internet, we have become monitoring the indelible tag it has created on the e-commerce and online retail market.

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How to Develop an Internet of Things Strategy - The Future of IoT Technology

IoT allows the objects to remotely sense or control the infrastructure of the existing network. IoT applications are found in many industries today because of the number of qualities like it work faster and smarter; it owns powerful triggers and remote access over objects.

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Ubiquitous Computing and the Road Ahead

Tighten the seatbelts to embrace the impact from the next wave of computing. If the Internet wave impacted every industry, the ubiquitous computing powered by IoT, Mobility, Cloud and AI is already disrupting the way we do business.

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